Author Archives: Jordyn

Frumpy Guy For a Day

DETECTIVE COMICS #249: Target for a Day When you give a character like J’onn all the powers he has, his comics start to involve a few reoccurring elements. First, something takes away his powers and he has to find a way … Continue reading

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Forgot About J’onn

DETECTIVE COMICS # 248: The Martian Without a Memory I gotta say, I read that title, I look at the preview panel and I am simultaneously excited and terrified. Oh god, I think, what is going to happen NOW. And then … Continue reading

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DETECTIVE COMICS #247: The Impossible Messages Let me just assuage your expectations for a second regarding these messages. They aren’t really that impossible. Just poorly conceived. And unfortunately our new friend, Diane Meade does not show up to fill the lady … Continue reading

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A Little Ditty About John and Diane

DETECTIVE COMICS #246: John Jones’ Female Nemesis I am surprised by the bluntness of this issue’s first panel (after the weird teaser they always have). It just plainly says “At police headquarters, it’s always Detective John Jones who gets the day’s … Continue reading

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Burned On the Fourth Of July

DETECTIVE COMICS #245: The Phantom Fire Alarms With a title like that, I was all strapped in for this thing to involve anything from ghosts to people pretending to be ghosts to fire alarms that people pretending to be ghosts were … Continue reading

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Only YOU Can Perform Stunts Around Forest Fires.

DETECTIVE COMICS #244: The Four Stunts of Doom! Let me go off on a bit of a side tangent here for a moment. And shut up, yes I can START a blog on a side tangent, yes I can. These blogs … Continue reading

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Thank You Very Much Sir, Mr. Robot-Tor

DETECTIVE COMICS #243: The Criminal From Outer Space One day as John is leaving the police station, he sees a hub-bub going on around the corner. What’s all the fuss about? Well it’s a goddamn fire, of course. A freakin’ COVERED … Continue reading

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Johnnie It’s Hottah Undah Dah Watah

DETECTIVE COMICS #242: The Thirty Fathom Sleuth So often in these comics, I am really unclear as to what is going on. It was uh, it was the 50’s. It was a different time. Stuff didn’t have to make sense! … Continue reading

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Them Jones, Them Jones, Them…John Jones.

DETECTIVE COMICS #241: The Impossible Manhunt Okay does everyone remember that thing that John is weak against? That’s right, it’s fire. If you somehow forgot, don’t worry. If you happen to pick up this issue and somehow make it through … Continue reading

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Have Your Cake and Burn It Too

DETECTIVE COMICS #240: The Hero Maker As if J’onn’s life wasn’t already a minefield for disaster, today is the last day on the force for its oldest officer, Pat Brady. But it’s Detective Jones’s day off! He should just stay … Continue reading

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