Monthly Archives: February 2011

Criminals Are a Superstitious and Idiotic Lot

DETECTIVE COMICS #233: The Ghost from Outer Space Issue #233 promises John Jones’ most INCREDIBLE case. Without qualification. And, well, while it is pretty silly, things definitely go…uphill? downhill? Somewhere from here. This is not the most incredible or most … Continue reading

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Nothin’ but a Hound Dog

DETECTIVE COMICS #232: The Dog with the Martian Master I’m just gonna say this is one of my favorite issues ever, and then dive right in. J’onn one day is chasing a jewel thief, Andy Fletcher, across a bridge. As … Continue reading

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Don’t Drop The Space-Soap

DETECTIVE COMICS #231: The Theif Who Had Super Powers! At a robbery, J’onn is talking to a victim who tells him about the robber who could walk through walls (Whoa!) and bend bullets with his mind (dang!). J’onn thinks that … Continue reading

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These Are the Rays of Our Lives

DETECTIVE COMICS #230: The Sleuth Without a ClueThis issue is…befuddling at times, to say the least. We have the usual recap of J’onn’s story and a nice run down of the powers that are used at least semi-consistently: Passing through … Continue reading

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Hand Me The Martian Shark Repellent!

DETECTIVE COMICS #229: The Phantom Bodyguard Thankfully we seem to have broken the habit of recapping the entire premise of the comic in the first 4 frames of each issue, but don’t worry, the newer, fancier “single frame recap” is … Continue reading

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Like What Robot Zombies Eat

DETECTIVE COMICS #228: Escape to the Stars Ok guys, look. When I said to start calling him “J’on” to save money on the letters, I was joking. But there you are, in the very first panel of this issue, calling … Continue reading

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You Ain’t Got No Alibi, You GUILTY!

DETECTIVE COMICS #227: The Man with 20 Lives Remarkably, we managed to make it through all of the last issue with nary a spark to throw our hero off guard. Rest assured, Detective Jones won’t always get off that easy. … Continue reading

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Cases Loaded.

DETECTIVE COMICS #226: The Case of the Magic Baseball We left our hero having just been made a detective and being told that the Lieutenant has just the case for him! We won’t find out what the case is, because this … Continue reading

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This Space Reserved For Puns About Fire

DETECTIVE COMICS #225: The Strange Experiment of Dr. Erdel The very first Martian Manhunter story isn’t very oh, how should I say…plot-heavy. It’s a LOT of exposition. It’s like 8 pages of “hurry this shit up, he’s gotta be a … Continue reading

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